On the flipside I had an amazing conversation with a pastor a couple weeks ago. We talked about our life stories and what makes us so passionate about ministry. It was encouraging to talk with someone who shared the same heartbeat as I do. His eyes watered up after sharing how the grace of Jesus changed his life forever. We were very vulnerable with each other. I felt like I could really trust him.
What are your conversations with Jesus like? Trust can be the biggest hindrance for us when it comes to experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus promises. Can Jesus be trusted? If you haven’t given him the chance to tell you his story then you may never know. Here are a couple things I have learned from my conversations with Jesus.
Conversation with Jesus helps build trust because he has experienced everything we have. No matter how much your heart has been broken his has been broken more. Whatever the degree of temptation or severity of brokenness you are dealing with, even in the face of innocence, Jesus has been there. Jesus has enough personal experiences that he could intimately connect with every person that ever lived. Jesus has a story that can change your life forever.
Conversation with Jesus helps build trust because Jesus knows everything about us. Because he knows everything about us he has the ability to speak to our hearts in the darkest places. It’s easy to think that someone as Holy as Jesus would never want to be around someone as twisted and messed up as you. By the way you’re welcome for the confidence boost. Prayer will change you because it proves that Jesus’ love is unconditional. Jesus knowing everything about you is a good thing and it draws you closer to him. It never pushes you further away from him.
Be honest with God and let His love bring you back to life.
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