Friday, September 30, 2011

Interview the church

In the unique situation that some day, no matter how far fetched it may sound, that you feel called to work at a church please take this advice.

During the interview process you must interview the church. I have been in ministry for 4 years and I am learning that doing your homework could pay off huge in the long run. 

The first thing you need to have figured out is what God's mission is for you. Well maybe not figured out completely but you need to know the direction you are going in. If the church you work at is not going in the same direction you will never fully be satisfied with your job. You don't have to see eye to eye on every situation but you do have to be focused on the same goal. The reason this is so important is because most churches (and by most I mean all) are different. Believe it or not, regardless of the vision statement that reads "making disciples" they don't all share the same vision. Not all churches are getting it wrong. Tons of churches are actually getting better at this the more I learn about other churches. The unique thing about following Jesus is that there is no formula and 3 step plan to spiritual sccuess. Its all heart! So find the place the aligns with your heart the most. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS! I have heard about churches going through major heart change but I don't think it was because of the new guy coming in with all the right answers. Be wise and do everything you can to know the heart of the church you are applying at.

Visit the church without letting anyone on the staff of the church know about it.
Ask around, you may get some crazy answers but make sure you look for any common threads, good or bad.
The website is not the best way to know about the church. Look at it anyway. Take note of the things they share on their website. Especially the vision. This could come in handy when you get to the interview. 

As you do your research make a list of question. This could help you when and if you have an interview. Don't be afraid to ask questions about salary, benefits, family expectations. Believe it or not, most churches in america will hire someone and then their wives don't get to volunteer for ministry but they get volun-told to do ministry. Try to cover all the important details. Don't try to go looking for things that you can complain about. 

The most important thing is that you trust God. I have never heard any of the amazing mentors that I have tell me that the most fulfilling part of their job is the salary. Don't buy or bail to quickly. Make sure to offer this possible ministry opportunity to God before you sink your teeth into it. If you feel called to venture into ministry, especially if you are going from ministry to ministry, trust like Abraham because your faith will be what God counts as righteousness. Regardless of what you believe about your calling God wants you to trust in his everlasting love. Nothing is more important and nothing is more fulfilling. Be Ok with giving up the things you want in exchange for more trust in God.


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