Friday, September 30, 2011

Interview the church

In the unique situation that some day, no matter how far fetched it may sound, that you feel called to work at a church please take this advice.

During the interview process you must interview the church. I have been in ministry for 4 years and I am learning that doing your homework could pay off huge in the long run. 

The first thing you need to have figured out is what God's mission is for you. Well maybe not figured out completely but you need to know the direction you are going in. If the church you work at is not going in the same direction you will never fully be satisfied with your job. You don't have to see eye to eye on every situation but you do have to be focused on the same goal. The reason this is so important is because most churches (and by most I mean all) are different. Believe it or not, regardless of the vision statement that reads "making disciples" they don't all share the same vision. Not all churches are getting it wrong. Tons of churches are actually getting better at this the more I learn about other churches. The unique thing about following Jesus is that there is no formula and 3 step plan to spiritual sccuess. Its all heart! So find the place the aligns with your heart the most. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS! I have heard about churches going through major heart change but I don't think it was because of the new guy coming in with all the right answers. Be wise and do everything you can to know the heart of the church you are applying at.

Visit the church without letting anyone on the staff of the church know about it.
Ask around, you may get some crazy answers but make sure you look for any common threads, good or bad.
The website is not the best way to know about the church. Look at it anyway. Take note of the things they share on their website. Especially the vision. This could come in handy when you get to the interview. 

As you do your research make a list of question. This could help you when and if you have an interview. Don't be afraid to ask questions about salary, benefits, family expectations. Believe it or not, most churches in america will hire someone and then their wives don't get to volunteer for ministry but they get volun-told to do ministry. Try to cover all the important details. Don't try to go looking for things that you can complain about. 

The most important thing is that you trust God. I have never heard any of the amazing mentors that I have tell me that the most fulfilling part of their job is the salary. Don't buy or bail to quickly. Make sure to offer this possible ministry opportunity to God before you sink your teeth into it. If you feel called to venture into ministry, especially if you are going from ministry to ministry, trust like Abraham because your faith will be what God counts as righteousness. Regardless of what you believe about your calling God wants you to trust in his everlasting love. Nothing is more important and nothing is more fulfilling. Be Ok with giving up the things you want in exchange for more trust in God.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

180 Movie

I just got done watching a 30 minute documentary 180movie that compared abortion to the Holocaust. Very powerful and emotionally driven film. I am pro-life. I'm a Pastor and I value human life. There is no doubt in my mind that all humans should be pro-life. Regardless of the situation, if there is a choice then we should choose life.

Still in process about all of this though....

If you are going to watch it be ready to see some extremely disturbing photos.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Mix Bowl 2011

On October 25th the Exit31 Middle School will be doing another BIG service project. We did this last year and we realized that it was very important to our students to help our community. They loved serving with "Manna on Main Street" and they are excited to do it again this year. 

This is the letter I wrote up after the service project was finished to update everyone on what happened.

The Exit31 Middle School ministry recently partnered with “Manna on Main” which is a local outreach organization that exists to provide food for the hungry. One specific thing Manna does is provide snacks everyday for over 200 students that come to an after school program. On Tuesday November 30th we gathered our BranchCreek Middle School students together to bag trail mix in zip lock bags so that these underprivileged students will have something to eat after school.

It was nothing less than amazing to see how excited the students were to make bags of trail mix. During our recap at the end of the night I asked multiple students to share what they learned. They responded with simple yet profound answers like “Just because I’m a kid doesn’t mean that I can’t make a difference” and “I wanted to help because I think it’s unfair”.

Our heartbeat is to see life change in our community so we should celebrate the way that God uses us in that process. I put together some numbers to give you an idea of how God used the Middle School ministry this past Tuesday.

30 = adults who volunteered their time and resources
48 = middle school students who participated
128 = boxes of cereals, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, and raisins (2868 oz)
431 = letters mailed out by students to raise additional funds for “Manna on Main”
842 = amount of bags assembled  
3,000 = amount of money that has come in so far (More is coming in)

I also sent out an evaluation survey to the parents and here are some of those numbers

91% thought that communication for this event was excellent (info, vision, volunteer opportunity)
64% felt like there was a high level of excitement in their homes for this event
80% felt like this event had a positive influence in the spiritual formation of their student

The event was successful on multiple levels. Our overall goal for the future is to continue to develop our relationship with Manna and the people there so that God can use us to show them they are loved.  

I'm so excited for this year's "Mix Bowl" and the possibility of helping in bigger ways than last year. One of the added values for this year is that we have another group of students joining us. The Middle School from Keystone Fellowship Church of Montgomeryville will be partnering with us to try and double the amount of bags we made last year! That means our goal is to make over 1600 bags of trail mix! That's so much trail mix that "Manna on Main Street" wouldn't have to use any work hours on this project for two entire weeks. We would be able to provide trail mix to over 200 students a day for two weeks.  That releases them to help in so many other areas that could use their help.

I am asking for the same love and support you showed us last year! The community of BranchCreek and surrounding areas really helped make last years event so special. This is so important because this year we have decided to ask for donations of trail mix ingredients so that Manna on Main Street doesn't have to use any of their food for this project. We really want to focus on one goal this year and that would be making 1600 bags of trail mix! I will be sending out more info soon so please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for God to do some more amazing work in the community through our students and Manna on Main Street.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quench your thirst...

I just got done filming a video for our Middle School students. I am going to show it along with a teaching about living water.

I went to a couple fast food places and a couple gas stations and asked if they had a drink that would quench my thirst forever.

It was fun and quick. watch it here

I have been moved once again.

I'm 26 years old and I feel like I am reaching the point of being able to respond to life change rather than react to it. This helps because it gives me a time to brace myself. I have no clue whats going to happen. I used to brace myself like a child would when his abusive stepfather raises a hand to inflict pain. The restless feelings of never knowing when you will be safe can haunt you into an endless anxiety. There was a time when that was the only way I knew how to brace myself in the face of change, suffering, and the unknown.

Now I brace myself like a musician would before he goes on stage. The lights illuminate thousands of people waiting for you to do what you were made to do. There is a mixture of expectancy, excitement, and mystery in the air. No show is ever the same. It is so exciting to know that every decision I make will never be the same. I am learning that change, suffering, and the unknown is now another opportunity to play my music. Every song and every day is a new opportunity to be moved by what and who we love.

That is my never ceasing prayer. Jesus, please move me closer to understanding and experiencing the mystery's of life and love. Help me become a source of living water to this world. Cause living water to flow from my belly. Amen.