Thursday, October 20, 2011

God is always with you

The Psalms are great. I think that's why I love reading them so much. I read some of them and get comforted by the poetic descriptions of God's goodness and love. David's uncut journals about abandonment and shame encourage me to push through my own hurts and hang ups. The Psalms that talk about God's wrath being poured out on David's enemies paint a picture of God's Holiness. 

Psalm 139 is one of my favorites. David teaches us that we are never alone and that God will never abandon us. We also read about this in Deuteronomy 31:6&8. 

So the question I'm interested in answering is why? If this is true and God is always with us then why does it seem that there are specific moments in life in which it feels like God is far away?  

I'm going to make a suggestion. There are two myths out there that we tend to fall for every time.

Myth 1-We think God leaves us alone because others have.
Maybe you've felt abandoned by others. I remember when my dad died. I felt extremely alone and I asked God for help but I never felt like he was there. I tried to look to my family for help but my mom would say things that made me so mad (my parents got divorced). She wasn't going to step up to help. It felt like I was the only one left in my family to take care of my little sister. Dad was so close to both of us and we were hurting bad. The people that abandoned me in life were the people that were always supposed to be there for me. If they wouldn't help me why would God want to help me?

Myth 2-We think God leaves us alone because of our mistakes.
The truth is that every time I would do something I knew God wouldn't approve of it felt like he was off in some other galaxy. God always seemed distant from me during and immediately after my sin. I just figured God was far away from me because I was always sinning. At one point I felt like God would never want to be around the man I was. Because I felt that way I figured he was never there. Our feelings and/or decisions don't determine if God is with us or not.

The truth is that nothing will ever separate you from the love of God.

Rom 8:38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

Maybe the key to understanding if God is with you doesn't depend on him alone. God is there and he is ready to be with you. When was the last time that you looked for him? In our culture its so easy to be self-relient. God is always with you but you need to rely on him. He wont force the relationship on you. He also never leaves because he knows how much you need him. 

Are there any areas in life that you are treading alone? When do you feel most alone? Know that God is with you.

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